Titan panel not working
Titan panel not working

  • TitanClassicAmmo: Fix for non-ammo using classes to show '-' as it used to.
  • This impacts Clock, Volume, and Performance. Thanks to gulfar for the code once again.
  • Fixed LibDropDownMenu per Backdrop change - Note: This makes our version different than Arith's lib which we hope he updates soon.
  • Update per Backdrop change in API 9.0.5 which is what TBCC will use.
  • Update Ace3 in advance of updated Burning Crusades (BC) (Starting with 9.0.5 API).
  • titan panel not working

  • Updated for WoW 2.5.1 release (The Burning Crusade Classic (TBCC) Beta).
  • Added a fix for the colorSwatch nil that was occurring on some characters.
  • Updated for WoW 1.13.7 release (Classic Era (CE)).
  • TitanClassicRepair: Added new reputation discounts and updated localizations to reflect that.
  • Updated LibDropDownMenu library to version 4 and there is a bug in the library where a drop down may stay visible/active.
  • TitanClassicClock: Added option to display both server and local times.
  • TitanClassicRepair: Updated some additional localizations for discounts.
  • Fixed played-time message showing up when Silenced start was active.
  • TitanClassicLootType: Fix to restore LootType background and border due to some Blizzard changes on the rolling pop-up.
  • titan panel not working

  • Wrapped all the global routines in arith's LibDropDownMenu library to handle plugins that use more of the library than Titan Panel does.
  • TitanClassicRepair: Added in GuildBank repair option.
  • TitanLocation: Fix for mapID returning a value when it shouldn't due to Blizzard error.

  • Titan panel not working